We're Excited to Have You Visit!
We are located at 651 W. Madison St. in Ottawa, IL. You'll find our parking lot right behind the church on Madison St.!
You've found your parking spot, great! Now you can head inside through the entrance off the parking lot. When you come in you'll be in our Fellowship Hall. You can then walk through the hall and into the sanctuary where you'll be met with many friendly faces and some beautiful stained glass windows. Pick any place to sit where you feel comfortable!
Worship is an integral part of what we do here at Bethel! God's word is central to who we are as a church.
Order of Worship:
- Welcome & Announcements
- Songs of Praise
- Silent Confession of Sin & Declaration of Grace
- Scripture Reading & Prayer
- Special Music
- Pastor's Sermon
- Benediction
- Doxology
Holy Communion is held the first Sunday of the month after worship. We stay in the sanctuary where we receive the body and blood of Christ through wafers and juice. We partake together and then have open floor for prayers, praises, and testimonies.
Upstairs in The Higher Grounds we provide a nursery, supervised by a nursery worker, where children can enjoy supervised play during worship.
We also have a "Quiet Room" downstairs next to the women's bathroom for families with small children. Age appropriate toys and comfortable rocking chairs are provided. There is no worker in this room, however, worship is livestreamed on the TV in there.
After Worship
After worship we invite you to stay for refreshment and Bible Hour!
At this time we gather out in the Fellowship Hall for fellowship, donuts & coffee followed by Bible Hour.
Bible Hour:
- Adults - Fellowship Hall
- Grades 9-12 Downstairs in The Refuge
- Grades PreK-8th Upstairs in The Higher Grounds